Fees & Membership Plans
ExaminationsNew Patient Exam: £99.00 New Patient Exam: (Children Aged 7-17): £55.00 New Patient Exam: (Children Aged 0-6): £35.00 Routine Private Examination: £55.00 Digital X-Rays (Each): £17.00 Cosmetic Consultation: FREE
EmergenciesUnregistered Patient Emergency Care (starting from): £99.00 (incl X-rays) Registered Patient Emergency Care (starting from): £55 (incl X-rays)
Dental Hygiene TreatmentsHygiene (Per 30 Minute Session): £84.00 Hygiene Extended Scale & Polish: £126.00 Fluoride Application: £33 Fissure Sealant (Per tooth): £35
Fillings, Composite Bonding and VeneersComposite “White” Fillings (starting from): £125.00 - £275.00 Cosmetic Bonding (Starting From/Per tooth): £310.00
Restorative TreatmentsCore build-up: £220 Inlay/Onlay-Gold, Ceramic, Zirconia (starting from): £795.00 Crowns - Gold, Ceramic, Zirconia (starting from): £795.00
Root Canal TreatmentRoot Canal Treatment (Starting From/Per tooth): £650
ExtractionsRoutine Extraction (Starting From/Per tooth): £145.00 Wisdom Tooth Extraction (Per tooth): £400.00 PRGF – ENDORET® Regeneration healing treatment: £395.00
DenturesDentures: Acrylic and Cobalt Chrome Available – Quote provided during consultation Acrylic/Cobalt Chrome (Starting from) £950.00-£1800.00 per arch Tooth Addition to Existing Denture: £250.00 Denture Repairs (starting from): £90.00
Dental ImplantsStraumann® & BTI Dental Implants (Per tooth, starting from): £2750.00 without surgical guide £3,330.00 with surgical guide Bone graft – Medium £655/ Large £990 PRGF – ENDORET® Regeneration healing treatment: £395.00
Invisalign & 32CoInvisalign® Go (*up to 20 aligners): £3850.00 Invisalign® Go Plus (*up to 26 aligners): £4345.00 32Co Clear Aligner System (Starting from): £3245.00 ClinCheck (3D Scan for treatment Plan): £300 *Initial Consultation required: Includes: iTero digital scan, Basic treatment planning & treatment quote
Teeth WhiteningEnlighten® Teeth Whitening System (Home kit incl. Syringes & whitening trays): £690.00 Enlighten® Single Refill Syringes: £70.00 Boutique® Teeth Whitening System (Home kit incl. Syringes & whitening trays): £580.00 Boutique® Single Refill Syringes: £35.00
Retainers and NightguardsInvisalign® Vivera Retainer: (3x sets upper and lower): £435.00 Clear ‘Duratain’ Retainer (1x set upper and lower): £215.00 / (Single Arch only): £120.00 Soft Night Guard/Splint: £215.00
Please note: Discounts are available for treatment plans paid fully in advance. 0% Interest Free Finance may be available for larger treatment plans. Please speak to our team for more information on how to apply.
Membership Plans
Our patients want to enjoy having fantastic smile with confidence that their teeth and gums are healthy and in great shape. The best way to achieve this is to see your dental health care team on a regular basis: The Blueberry Dental Member’s Club has been designed solely with this in mind.
Affordability is important to our patients, so our member's club has various options for you to choose from. With advice from your dentist, you will be able to select the best plan for your dental care as well as your finances.
There is a one-off (administration) joining fee equivalent to the monthly cost of your plan and this will be taken as part of the first Direct Debit payment. After that there are no additional payments, just your agreed monthly amount to cover the benefits provided as shown below.
£18.80 per month
2x Dental Health Examination per year
2x Dental Hygiene visits per year
£13.50 per small x-ray required.
10% discount on any treatment that is needed, also 12 months warranty on all your crowns and fillings. This makes it more affordable for you and gives you the peace of mind that your dental work is guaranteed by us
£25 discount for home teeth whitening treatment, so you can make your smile even more beautiful.
Children up to the age of six are treated for free.
Worldwide dental accident and emergency insurance.
£26.35 per month
2x Dental Health Examination per year
2x Dental Hygiene visits per year
Small x-rays as required included.
12.5% discount on any treatment that is needed, also 12 months warranty on all your crowns and fillings. This makes it more affordable for you and gives you the peace of mind that your dental work is guaranteed by us
£50 discount for home teeth whitening treatment, so you can make your smile even more beautiful.
Children up to the age of six are treated for free.
Worldwide dental accident and emergency insurance.
£36.35 per month
2x Dental Health Examination per year
Up to 4 Dental Hygiene visits per year
Small x-rays as required included.
Dental accident and emergency cover included so you know that you are covered when on holiday.
15% discount on any treatment that is needed, also 12 months warranty on all your crowns and fillings. This makes it more affordable for you and gives you the peace of mind that your dental work is guaranteed by us
£75 discount on home teeth whitening treatment.
Children up to the age of six are treated for free.
Worldwide dental accident and emergency insurance.
Children's Club
Our patients want to give their children the best quality dental care, in a friendly and relaxed environment. Blueberry Dental takes great pride in caring for our young members. We focus on educating our young patients to take care of their teeth which mean less cavities and healthier gums for the future. Blueberry Dental Children's Club has been designed solely with this in mind. Club prices start at just £11.50 per month per child.
What's included:
See your dentist/hygienist three times a year to maintain healthy teeth and gums. This follows our preventative approach to dentistry, meaning fewer treatments over the years. This ultimately results in young adults with great dental health and a positive dental experience.
Dental treatments provided by Blueberry Dental Surgery are included subject to the dentist's discretion.
Dental Accident and Emergency Insurance gives you peace of mind that your child will be covered for treatment should something unplanned for happen.
Consistent high-quality care and treatment for your child's oral health.